Pathros Factory +521(33)3792-0910


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Pathros GDL

Pathros CDMX

Si usted pertenece a una constructora y está en busca de Pisos y Decks de madera tenemos precios especiales a mayoristas.

Pathros Wood Flooring Factory®

Dedicated to the manufacture of wood floors, we have experience in the wood industry, we work the lines of engineered staves in various species, likewise we have our own chemical division to ensure the installation, care and maintenance of our floors following the manuals and technical data sheets available.

Contact Us

Pathros GDL: Carretera Libre a Zapotlanejo # 2126 La Ladrillera CP: 45428, Tonalá, Jalisco Phone: (33)3792 0910, (33)3792 8903 Email:
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